Artisans, taste tours, and culture
職人と産業と歴史の街 「観音寺商店街」を
観音寺は漁業や農業などもさかんな、香川県の燧灘(ひうちなだ)に面した街です。四国八十八ヶ寺の観音寺を中心とし、日本の 『あの有名人』 にも大いにゆかりがある、歴史と文化が融合した街です。
Why not visit and browse around Kannonji shopping streets, a district of the traditional crafts, industry and history?
Kannonji city is famous for its agriculture and benefitting from “Hiuchinada”, a calm seto island sea.
Centered around Kannonji temple, which is one of the 88 Shikoku temples, Kannonji city has become a fusion of history and culture. Many famous people associated with Kannonji city.
The shopkeepers of Kannonji streets will introduce you to the hidden charms and history of the wonderful district. Unraveling Kannonji may also mean unraveling the history of Japan. We hope you will enjoy delicious food and sweets as well as exciting aspects of Kannonji with a tour guide by local shopkeepers.
Guide Introduction
A slightly luxurious town work guided by a store over who has lived in Kannonji for years and knows well about the area will give you detailed information and lots of fun. On this tour, we will visit stores and hole-in -the-wall spots loved by locals, and experience history and food culture. You will also discover the charms of back alleys that even locals may not know about. The guide of the tour will be chosen on the day of the tour. All store owners are very friendly and warm hearted. Therefore, you will enjoy browsing thoroughly.
Landscapes full of history and rich nature
- ・街歩きが大好きな方 ・歴史を肌で感じたい方
- ・地元の方とコミュニケーションしたい方
- ・地元の方が愛した本物の名物を知りたい方
- ・ちょっぴりマニアックな知識を仕入れたい方
- ・観音寺市って何処だろうと思ったそこのあなた!
Why not walk through the historical landscape and rich nature of Kannonji with a local shopkeeper? The shopkeepers who are raised in the community will thoroughly guide you to the landscapes and the legends that have been passed down from generation to generation. From historical landmarks to the slightly maniac walking courses, this special tour will give you a deep insight into the charms of Kannonji city. During the tour, you will also enjoy tasting local specialties made from beloved local ingredients. Please enjoy local delicacies while experiencing the history, food and culture of Kannonji.
Recommended for people…
- Who like to walk
- Who wants to experience history firsthand
- Who want to communicate with locals
- Who want to learn about authentic local specialties
- Who wants to acquire fun facts
- Who wondering where Kannonji is
開催期間 | 開催日:毎週日曜日(12月を除く) 集合/出発時間:9:45/10:00 |
開催場所 | 集合場所:観音寺市ハイスタッフホール |
料金 | 1万円(食事代、お土産、ガイド料、保険料含む) |
備 考 | 定員:4~6名(3名以下は中止) 目安:約3時間/約4㎞ 定員に満たない場合は中止します。 |
Come and visit us!
観音寺商店街連合会は、観音寺市中心部に位置する 5 つの商店街から構成され、香川県西部の中核として長年にわたり発展してきました。周辺には四国八十八ヶ所霊場の第 68 番札所・神恵院と第 69 番札所・観音寺があり、さらに「寛永通宝」の巨大砂絵や宝くじ売り場からの高額当選で、金運スポットとしても注目を集めています。平成23 年度からは、地域住民や行政、商店街が一体となって「観音寺まちなか活性プロジェクトRe:born.K」を立ち上げ、商店街の活性化に取り組んでいます。最近では、インバウンドツアーの企画にも力を注ぎ、観音寺の魅力を国内外に広げています。
About Kanonji Shopping District Association
The Kannonji city shopping street association consists of five shopping streets located in the center of Kannonji city and has developed over the years as the core shopping street in western Kagawa prefecture. Nearby are Shin-eiin Temple, the 68 th temple of the 88 sacred temples in on Shikoku Island, and Kannonji temple, the 69 th temple of the 88 sacred temple on Shikoku Island.
The Kannonji city is also noted as a fortune spot for the financial lack due to “Kanei Tsuho”, which is the giant sand-coin monument molded on Ariake Beach, and due to the highly winnings of lottery.
In 2011, the “Kannonji Machinaka Revitalization Project Re:born.K” was launched, and local residents, the government, and the shopping district are working together to revitalize the shopping district. Recently, the Kannonji City Shopping Street Association has also focused on planning inbound tours to spread the charms of Kannonji both domestically and internationally.
観音寺市坂本町一丁目1番25号 観音寺商工会議所内